Thursday, November 6, 2008

Kind Of, But Not Quite...

I'm thinking about moving to Georgia...where Jason Varitek makes his off season home. I could just hang out at some of the local hot spots in hopes of one day having that "chance" meeting. I’m sure he would be my friend if we ever met. Oh how I love him so. The picture above shows me with an autographed Jason Varitek baseball. That is kind of like meeting him, right?? Charlie, the morning show producer at the station where I work, brought it in for me to see (and have my picture made with) last week. His brother-in-law got it for him a few months ago. I think I asked about it like 50 times while the ball was in route to Nashville. It took a while to get here...Charlie's brother-in-law was displaced for a while by a hurricane. Luckily, the ball remained safe and unharmed, as did Charlie’s family. The other picture is of me and Charlie, the owner of the baseball. We were both pretty stoked about the ball.


Blogger Dan said...

hey girl, this is Casey!

Finally you post again! Yeah!!! It's so good to see your cute face. Love you.

November 7, 2008 at 9:19 AM  

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